No. Method Description
1 GET Requests specific page information and returns the entity body.
2 HEAD Similar to a GET request, but without the response body; used to retrieve headers.
3 POST Submits data to the specified resource for processing (e.g., submitting a form or uploading a file). The data is included in the request body. POST may create new resources or modify existing ones.
4 PUT Replaces the content of the specified document with the data sent from the client.
5 DELETE Requests the server to delete the specified page.
6 CONNECT Reserved for proxy servers that can change connections to a tunneling mode in HTTP/1.1.
7 OPTIONS Allows the client to see the server's capabilities.
8 TRACE Echoes back the request received by the server, primarily used for testing or diagnostics.
9 PATCH Contains a table with the differences between the current content and the content represented by the URI.
10 MOVE Requests the server to move the specified page to another network address.
11 COPY Requests the server to copy the specified page to another network address.
12 LINK Requests the server to establish a link relationship.
13 UNLINK Removes a link relationship.
14 WRAPPED Allows the client to send encapsulated requests.
15 Extension-method Allows adding additional methods without altering the protocol.
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